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Galveston Group

President - Michelle Foster, Moody Bank

Vice President - Brande Baumgarden, Texas First Bank

Treasurer - Katy Roberts, Texas First Bank

Secretary - Jennifer Vasquez, Texas First Bank

The Purpose of FWIT and the Galveston Group:

  1. To bring together women in the financial services industry for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and interests.
  2. To further the meaningful professions or careers of its members and women in general.
  3. To encourage women to choose financial services as a career and to advance the career opportunities for all women in the financial services industry.
  4. To serve as an advocate of, and to promote improvements in the professional development, leadership skills, education, and training of women in the financial services industry.


March Meeting - 3/28/25 - Program: FWIT Association President Jessica Lovell

Breaking Barriers: A Journey of Resilience, Vulnerability, and Growth

Texas Tails Distillery - 2416 Post Office St, Galveston, TX 77550

President - Michelle Foster

Vice President - Brande Baumgarden

Treasurer - Katy Roberts

Secretary - Jennifer Vasquez

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