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Introducing Two New FWIT Groups!

03/20/2025 6:28 PM | Billie Jean (BJ) Cary (Administrator)

We now have 12 Groups within FWIT plus our Virtual Members!

Welcome to the newest: Galveston Region Group and Heart of Texas Group, which is in the Waco area. 

To select one of these as your primary Group affiliation - 

  • Log in,

·         Select the Person icon in the top right,

·         Select View Profile from the drop down,

·         Click the EDIT PROFILE button,

·         Scroll to the Primary Group Name, and

·         Check the Galveston Region or Heart of Texas box!

Remember to only select 1 Primary Group. 

You may select additional Secondary Groups if you wish.

We are excited to expand FWIT benefits to these parts of Texas!

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